In case you hadn’t noticed, the Internet and its devotees have made significant inroads in the educational world with the introduction of something known as “massive open online courses” or “MOOCs.” The creators of these (usually) college-level courses have seen a massive rise in popularity as the “who, how and where” of the classes has been greatly expanded.
Similar to traditional courses, in that they offer such basics as “Intro to Calculus,” as well as more liberal arts minded classes, the number of people enrolled in a single class can reach into the thousands. Typically, the classes are free and available to anyone with an Internet connection. The only caveat is that a simple certificate is required as proof of completion.
Good luck, however, getting a conventional institution of higher learning to accept them for a traditional diploma. Colleges and vocational schools are engaged in a struggle with these online juggernauts and are not willing to make it any easier for them than necessary. In fact, many top-notch schools are starting their own MOOCs, and commecial vendors have also taken an interest.
While no one can tell the future, it seems that MOOCs are here to stay and that their popularity will only continue to grow in the coming years as they learn to better cater to their clients’ needs.
For more information on MOOCs, in particular, and on e-learning in general, please contact us at Labyrinth Learning.
Image Source: freedigitalphotos