It may seem logical to equate long-time Microsoft Word use with expertise. But in fact, quite the opposite can happen. Long-time Word users might miss out on learning new shortcuts and features, which can make them less efficient user than those who have recently completed a Microsoft Office 2013 training program.
If you want to help your employees be the best they can be, consider hosting a company-wide training session, using a MS Word FastCourse to bring them up to speed – literally! In the meantime, here are some tricks to help them become Microsoft Words Power Users.
Simplify formatting. Much of the work professionals do using Word ends up in web copy or printed using a publisher. Each of these formats has their own formatting preferences, which means you can spend a good deal of time trying to figure out why your text isn’t formatting properly. To prevent any formatting “fluff”, click on the Options dialogue, select the Proofing tab in the left column, select Auto Correct, and then un-click all of the selections. This will keep your formatting pared down to the basics.
Continue Working. When you open a document to continue working, hit Shift+F5 and it will take you to where you left off.
Change Case. Irritated by having to manually change letter cases, like when your headings are inconsistent? Shift+F3 allows you to toggle through case options efficiently.
We can’t give all of our secrets away now, can we? Invest in Labyrinth Learning’s Microsoft Office 2013 software to learn more!