One major advantage of partnering with Labyrinth Learning is the ease, convenience and malleability of our eLab course management system. Flexible options abound when it comes to teaching any of the eLab courses offered because our system allows easy accessibility with the same licensing key. Depending on the textbook selected, there are three different eLab courses available:
Course-in-a-box: This requires no additional setup. This selection includes pre-built lesson plans, assignments, and tests. All these options plus the additional pre-populated learning devices allows you to easily make your selections with no complicated set-up tasks. No modifications are necessary unless you choice to implement them, though additional customized tests and assignments can easily be added if you desire.
Custom course: This option comes complete with easy to use online tools so you can quickly select the lessons, pre-built tests and assignments you want to include. While we do offer a wide variety of accounting education resources, we realize some instructors need the option of being able to create their own instructional guides and exams. Our eLab management system allows this to be done on the course-in-a-box selection and the custom course option.
Our build your own system is perfect for instructors who prefer total control over their eLab course content. You have complete flexibility over what content to include, and there are no preloaded exams, assignments, or lesson plans.
Are you interested in learning more about the Labyrinth Learning eLab course management system? Please contact us today for additional information.
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