Category Archives: Teaching Tips & Strategies

How You Can Make Accounting Exciting for Students

making accounting fun

How many times while teaching your accounting classes, you’ve looked around and your students are sitting there with glazed eyes, trying to appear interested in what you’re teaching? You can shake things up in your accounting classroom by including some of these fun and educational games to get and keep your students’ attention.

  • Bingo. Create bingo cards with a variety of questions. Students have to come up with the correct answer in order to cover spaces on their card.
  • Trivia. Everyone loves to play trivia and there are several different variations which can be played when it comes to making accounting fun. Divide students into groups or allow them to play individually. Then set questions up to be answered as true/false, multiple choice or open-ended.
  • Faux Reports. Develop a pretend company complete with fake records then have the students, again either in groups or separate, analyze the statements and financial records. Devise the game so a specific goal or solution has to be reached.

Labyrinth Learning offers textbooks, instructor support materials, eLab components and other interactive on-line teaching tools covering a wide variety of subjects, including accounting.

For additional information on how we can assist your students through their educational journey, please contact us today.

Helpful Microsoft Word Formatting Tips

Microsoft Word is something many of us use daily, but that doesn’t mean we know all of the shortcuts. Make things easier on yourself with these Microsoft Word formatting tips:

Keeping it together: When words must be kept together on the same line, utilize non-breaking space characters and hyphens by pressing [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Spacebar] and [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[-]. If done correctly, word groups will move to the next line as a whole section.

Stopping style updates: To stop automatic style updates, click on the Home tab. This opens the Styles dialog, where you can find a specific style. Click Modify from the following drop-down menu, then simply unclick the box that says “Automatically Update.”

Formatting a list: To format only the number in a numbered list, click Show/Hide in the Paragraph group on the Home tab. Choose only the Paragraph mark at the end of the line, then apply formats.

Back to basics: To remove all formatting, select the text you want and press [Ctrl]+[Spacebar]. This removes all the Microsoft Word formatting that isn’t put in place by the base style.

Removing sticky borders: Typing three hyphens and pressing [Enter] tells Word that you want a solid line extending across the entire document. This sometimes sticks to the document, whether you like it or not. Click inside the paragraph and choose the No Border button from the Border drop-down to remove the line.

Microsoft Word formatting
This screen shot shows how to stop style updates.

Labyrinth Learning prides itself in offering many of easy-to-use teaching resources. Contact us today for further information.

Teaching Payroll Accounting Using Microsoft Excel

using payroll accounting in Microsoft Excel

Many businesses are continuing to use Microsoft Excel for accounting. This user-friendly program is perfect for everything from invoicing to bookkeeping to inventory spreadsheets. Many people have started using payroll accounting in Microsoft Excel because of its simple template setup. This template allows them to easily update and access payroll records and information. While there is a time investment at the beginning, the payoff is its ability to quickly determine the amount of revenue going toward human resources and the ease with which payroll accounting personnel can enter all necessary data.

Labyrinth Learning offers a complete package of Microsoft Excel 2013 textbooks, as well as online teaching tools for students beginning to explore this versatile program and those seeking to learn the more advanced features. We also have all three levels of the Microsoft Excel FastCourse available.

All our Microsoft Excel textbooks include end of lesson exercises which can be worked multiple times until the student feel comfortable with the tasks. The various online teaching tools include video tutorials, instructor assessment materials and specialized training tools. For those planning on using payroll accounting in Microsoft Excel in a more corporate setting, these textbooks and online tools are approved for the Microsoft Office Specialist certification examination.

Your students will be on the fast track to success when they learn the accounting features of Microsoft Excel. For more information on Microsoft Excel and other interactive teaching tools we have available, please contact us at Labyrinth Learning today.

Excellent Benefits of Using Microsoft Publisher

Because of the simplicity of Microsoft Publisher, along with the ease of integration with additional Microsoft programs, this is a course that will appeal to many people for both home and business use. Plus Publisher is a fantastic “starter” program for students interested in dipping their toes into the field of graphic design.


Home printers have become so sophisticated many people now enjoy creating their own greeting cards, family newsletters and postcards. While for small businesses who don’t necessarily need to hire a full-time PR firm, one of the major benefits of using Microsoft Publisher includes its wide variety of customizable templates.

With the MS Office Publisher Task feature, suggestions and tips are readily given to assist with the entire process. Customer lists can be developed, marketing campaigns accessed with a simple mouse click and technical tasks are easily explained.

Another one of the important benefits of using Microsoft Publisher can be measured in time saved. No longer do students get frustrated searching for photos and information. Frequently used content is stored in a searchable library for easy access. File sharing is quicker and faster since work can be transferred to PDF’s and XML’s without the need for an outside application. For the writers in your classes, Microsoft Publisher also offers options for readable PDF’s, making it a valuable tool for those interested in publishing e-books.

For additional information on how effective teaching Microsoft Publisher can be, please contact Labyrinth Learning for additional information.


Explain Computers and Technology With Silver Series

Labyrinth Learning Silver Series

It’s easy to assume that everyone is already computer literate in this day and age, but there are still people who need help when it comes to the basics. As in instructor to these beginners, you have to ensure that they get access to clear, specific examples and step-by-step tutorials.

The Labyrinth Learning Silver Series is a great start for total newbies. This series covers computers and technology in a way that’s easily understandable, thanks to its carefully constructed explanations.

With 15 handbooks and two support DVDs, this series is one of the most comprehensive learning resources beginners can use to develop their computer literacy. From general information on computers and introduction to Microsoft Office 2007, to lessons on Windows 7 and a background on PC security, the series covers everything essential in basic computer knowledge. There’s also a handbook dedicated to the OS X Leopard if the students are more inclined to use Mac computers.

Of course, not all learning materials are the same, and you can tell which is the best among different options after trying them out. To verify if this series is a good fit for your students, you can request for a product demo of the Labyrinth Learning Silver Series, or contact us with your inquiries.

Prepare Students for Your Course with The ABC’s of Accounting

resources for accounting teachers

Accounting for beginners can be intimidating. However, our basic accounting course can easily reduce much of the stress and worry students often experience when learning something new.

The ABC’s of Accounting has been an excellent resource for students in years past, and now we are offering our newest textbook, Accounting Basics: An Introduction for Non-Accounting Majors. Just as with the first course, this textbook includes coverage of accounting practices including a standard accounting cycle.

Since this course is designed to teach basic accounting practices to students not working toward an accounting degree, the pace is slower and fewer in-depth topics are reviewed. The accounting cycle is initially introduced as an overview so students can get a general idea of what responsibilities a typical company accountant handles on a daily basis.

Our accounting for beginners course provides clear concise examples immediately after each new subject is introduced, giving students additional visual teaching tools. Plus, there is additional dialogue to ensure students not only understand how to perform a particular accounting procedure but the reasons behind the process.

The same fictional company is used throughout the course and each chapter includes two practice sets, an end of the chapter problem building off the previous chapter’s problem, and a wide range of all-inclusive learning projects so each student can begin to apply them to real-time scenarios.

Labyrinth Learning offers excellent interactive teaching tools for all levels of accounting instruction. Please contact us for additional assistance and product availability.

Help Students Get Creative with Our Media Arts Teaching Resources

teaching resources

Though the majority of your students have never known life without the internet, many don’t have photography, graphics, or web design skills. Labyrinth Learning offers several easily understood media arts teaching resources, including digital photography and web page design. Except for basic computer skills, no prior knowledge of either subject is required:

  • Welcome to Digital Photography, 2nd Edition: It can be a very daunting experience trying to determine which digital camera is best suited for a student’s particular need. The comprehensive book explains in detail what to look for when purchasing a digital camera. It teaches how to use many of the automatic features which come standard on the majority of today’s cameras. The second section of the book explains the hows and whys behind the customized manual settings including shutter speeds, self-timers, and file formats.
  • Web Page Design with XHTML/CSS: Coding is often a foreign language students are afraid to learn. This student friendly textbook has been designed with the author’s workflow learning approach coupled with Labyrinth Learning’s effective instructional technique. This ensures students learn both website coding along with the basic fundamentals on how websites work, file organization, and that ever important final step — how to make a functioning website live.

Do you want to provide your students with some of the best media arts teaching resources in the field? Please contact us at Labyrinth Learning for assistance.

Effective Ways to Help Students Understand Accounting

resources for accounting teachers and professors

It’s important to teach certain subjects, such as accounting, in a way that students both comprehend and retain the information. Here are some helpful tips on how to teach accounting:

  • If you mention accounting classes to students, you may see their eyes glaze over. Incorporating fun and unusual teaching methods makes the class interesting and also increases the likelihood students will actually remember the basics
  • Allow the students to separate into groups and play Monopoly. At the end of the game, have each team prepare an Income Statement and Balance Sheet. Understanding the objective at the beginning of the game can help them connect the causes and effects.
  • Incorporate numerous step-by-step examples. Over 85 percent of accounting students surveyed all agreed that this is one of the most effective ways of learning a detail oriented subject.
  • When understanding how to teach accounting, it is vitally important to remember to explain why something is being done. Students need to be told the reasons behind certain procedures for the entire process to make sense.
  • These days, many students have no concept of how a checking account operates. An accounting class is a wonderful way to teach students the tips and tricks of on-line banking, account balancing, and writing a check.

When learning how to teach accounting, Labyrinth Learning offers an excellent variety of both textbooks and online teaching tools to help both you and your students succeed. Please contact us today for assistance.

Helping Students Study for Accounting

accounting teaching resources

Some subjects need to be approached with well-defined study guidelines in order for the student to adequately understand and retain the information. While learning styles do vary, the below structured approach has consistently provided a large majority of students studying accounting with optimal results in both material comprehension and retention.

  • Have them read all assigned material before each class. This way they already have a general overview of what will be taught that particular day. Be responsive to their questions.
  • Remind students to come to each lecture prepared with the required tools, including calculators, notebooks, textbooks, laptop, or tablet. Instruct them to take detailed notes on any topic you have previously focused on, especially those subjects you know aren’t discussed in length in the textbook. Make sure you’ve provided them with a safe environment to ask questions — this is important in a student’s learning experience.
  • Talk to the students about reviewing their notes as soon as possible. When studying accounting, comprehension is a major concern, so this tip allows them to fill in any blanks while your lecture is still fresh in their mind.
  • In addition to reviewing notes, online videos, and PowerPoint presentations — have students rework some of the more difficult problems. If the textbook offers online sample quizzes, let them take advantage of this study aid.

Please contact us at Labyrinth Learning for additional educational assistance.

Easy Ways for Students to Learn Basic Accounting on Microsoft Excel

accounting teaching resources
Teach students to use Microsoft Excel for budgeting and more.

Microsoft Office Excel includes easy to use spreadsheet functionality which can simplify basic accounting tasks. Plus it supports additional add-ons when more sophisticated programs are required. Date importation from outside financial sources and even additional competing software platforms can all be accomplished when handling basic accounting with Microsoft Excel. The program offers a lot in terms of accounting abilities, making it a fantastic teaching program for students beginning to learn the accounting basics.

  • Budgeting and statements: Microsoft Office Excel comes complete with a wide variety of templates for creating basic accounting statements, including profit and loss, cash flow, and budget. More complex templates can be downloaded from the Office website and adding on specialized templates from other software vendors is a simple and easy task.
  • Spreadsheets: When performing basic accounting with Microsoft Excel, expensive accounting calculators are no longer required to figure out complex formulas. Excel spreadsheets are designed to handle both in-line and summation calculations.
  • External data: Microsoft Excel allows external data from numerous sources to be uploaded. This data can also be stored in a variety of different file formats without requiring additional data entry.
  • Integration: Another major advantage of introducing basic accounting with Microsoft Excel is that it provides easy integration with many other popular accounting applications. Many of these software applications include wizards, which work with both Excel and a separate accounting program.

For more information on how teaching basic accounting with Microsoft Office Excel can benefit your students, please contact us at Labyrinth Learning today.